Practice Areas

San Diego Business Dissolution Attorneys

Business Dissolution in California

“Business divorces” involving small corporations that are closely held, partnerships, and other modern forms of business organization almost always involve people who have known each other for years, and, often, are members of the same family. Dissolving a business is often no easier than dissolving a marriage. These cases add emotional tumult to the complicated and protracted process of untangling personal relationships, finances, future business rights and a host of other issues.  Contact a San Diego based business dissolution lawyer for more information and or legal representation.

In many cases, the dissolution wouldn’t be happening if there weren’t allegations and suspicions of misconduct. To make matters worse, the people are frequently left to work together until the dissolution is complete. Getting reliable advice from experienced San Diego business dissolution attorneys won’t rid you of all the anxiety, but it can definitely reduce it to a manageable level while moving the case toward the ultimate goal: the day when the old business is finally gone, the tensions begin fading into memory, and you are in good enough financial condition that you can begin the next stage of your business life.

If you are involved in one of these business divorces in Southern California, or see one coming down the road, it’s important that your attorney really understand your needs and be aware of the complications that can rise up at any time. It’s also important to understand that the nature of the business being dissolved affects both the dissolution process and the future possibilities—disentangling a dry cleaning business is very different from disentangling a software development enterprise.

Step One: Determine if the Business Relationship is Really Over

It may not seem possible given the emotions of the moment, but not all business divorces really need to be divorces. Sometimes, with the help of more neutral, cooler perspectives, the warring business owners can salvage the business relationship enough to keep the business going.

It may be that the agreement governing the business—by-laws, partnership agreement, charter—simply needs to be modified to avoid future problems.

Step Two: Strategize Your Options for Disentangling

If the relationship is too far gone to be saved, there are still many options to consider, including these:

  • Ending the business altogether by following the steps needed to dissolve it
  • Arranging for one owner or group of owners to purchase the interests of all other owners
  • Selling the entire business to a new person

Common Complications

Rarely will a business divorce be concluded without a variety of complications popping up that make the process longer and/or harder. Among the most typical of the complications that experienced attorneys know to look out for are:

  • Pending insolvency of the business
  • The consequences of financial problems, including loss of public reputation and the natural reluctance of suppliers and contractors to work with the business without additional financial guarantees
  • The loss of customers as the business’s troubles become known
  • Troubles with government agencies over the past activities of the business; these may involve any number of claims, from violations of environmental or health laws to failure to pay required payroll taxes to discrimination in hiring, etc.
  • Lawsuits against the business (these may involve anything from slip-and-fall lawsuits to breach of contract claims)

No one sleeps well when facing the breakdown of business relationships, but the San Diego business law attorneys at Boyd Law in San Diego can relieve the stress and worry that are keeping you awake at night. We strongly advocate for our clients’ positions, while giving each client an honest, objective opinion on the case’s merits. We understand the psychological and emotional components of these cases, and how important it is to you for the case to be brought to as swift a conclusion as possible, preferably without the pain of a trial.

We have a track record of success in settling out of court when possible, and prevailing in court when necessary. Contact the San Diego Boyd Law Offices today to set an appointment to speak with one of our experienced business dissolution attorneys; there’s no charge for the initial consultation, but there may well be costs to a delay in getting help.